Quentin Jacquemart

Welcome to my website.

I am a network and systems research engineer interested in distributed systems, their security, and their (past and future) applications. My research interests include:

Short biography

Since September 2022, I have joined Ekinops, first as a member of the NFVi team, working on OneOS-LIM, a NETCONF-based software-defined router; and then as a member of the Technology Office.

I have also been an invited lecturer at Polytech Nice Sophia since 2016, for graduate-level courses on network security, applied cryptography, and network monitoring.

I obtained my PhD in Computer Science from Télécom ParisTech/Institut Mines-Telecom in October 2015. As a PhD student, I was part of the Networking and Security department at Eurecom, under the supervision of Prof. Ernst Biersack and Prof. Guillaume Urvoy-Keller. My doctoral work focused on ways to differentiate prefix hijacking attacks (i.e., a malicious attack against the Internet routing infrastructure) from accidental prefix hijacking (i.e., due to a router misconfiguration) and intentional route changes (e.g., due to traffic engineering). I was highly involved in the European FP7 project VIS-SENSE, and also worked with Prof. Georg Carle's group at the Technische Universität München; our collaborative work receiving the Best Paper Award at TMA 2015. I was able to continue this work as a post-doctoral fellow thanks to a grant from Labex UCN@Sophia. My work on BGP originally started during my Master's thesis at the EECS department of the University of Liège under the supervision of Prof. Marc Dacier.

I spent the years 2017-2020 as a post-doctoral fellow at CNRS, within the SigNet group at I3S Lab (UMR7271). My work was funded through the EU H2020 project PrEstoCloud and tackled the networking requirements for large data-driven distributed applications in the context of mobile edge computing, which translated to work in the fields of network architecture, measurements, performance, and softwarization/virtualization (NFV). I also worked on data center scheduling, consolidation, and on hot hypervisor upgrades.

After CNRS, I joined EasyBroadcast where I designed a reliable hybrid peer-to-peer protocol for multicast message dissemination on an ad-hoc network with heterogeneous, unreliable nodes, and constrained bandwidth. I also worked on multimedia hybrid peer-to-peer protocols (viewer-to-viewer, and viewer-to-CDN), adaptative bit-rate (ABR) algorithms, and smart peer selection algorithms.

Last modified: Thursday, August 08, 2024, 22:30:24 (Europe/Brussels).